Today I was able to release Silver and Bailey back into the colony. The video clip shows Cookies (as yet unfixed, I’ll get her!) eating when I huff & puff up to the feeding station and startle her away. Then Silver and Bailey race past the camera. It was a challenge getting Silver into the cat carrier, but Bailey was pretty easy. I’m sure their family will be glad to see them again. Tini and the three kittens remain inside for the time being. The kittens are too small still for fixing and Tini being a girl needs longer recovery time. Plus I don’t want her kittens to be stressed by the separation.
Monthly Archives: October 2024
Breakfast Potion

This was one of my experimental brews so it’s a micro-batch. It will not be repeated, but I may use it as inspiration to make something less complicated. I considered calling this the kitchen sink brew
Full list of ingredients in order of addition:
- 342g quick oats
- 7g powdered cinnamon
- 700ml water
- 300ml water
- 100ml maple syrup
- 75ml barley malt
- 200ml water
- 1/2tsp fermaid o
- 1/2 packet k1-v1116 yeast
- 125ml water
- 31g chopped dates
- 20g honey
- 1/4cup water
- 1/4tsp fermaid o
- 50g honey
- 100ml warm water
- 1/4cup maple syrup
- 1/4tsp vanilla
Yes, I did switch back and forth between metric and imperial, I tend to go with whichever measurement is most exact or easiest to manage at the time.

Mix oats, cinnamon & water; soak for 24 hours
add water, puree, strain until I get tired of messing with it. Mix ‘oat milk’, maple syrup, barley malt, water, yeast and fermaid o together and put under airlock
added in a little more water & swirlled it
rough racked must into new fermenter on top of chopped dates, honey and more water, put back under airlock
took a small sip, definitely alcohol, texture is noticably different than other meads, probably due to the oats, very dry
added honey & warm water
airlock pressure still positive, but brew is clearing
racked to another jar and put in fridge to cold crash
took it out of fridge, sniffed it, it smells like booze, stuck it in the cabinet to age
racked, added maple syrup and vanilla, tastes good, put back under airlock
airlock still showed pressure, but I racked it into a 1 liter bottle
absolutely delicious
Flower Moon Mead
I briefly tried to make Moon-specific meads. This was the one for May. My original plan included rose petals, to be added in conditioning to keep the infusion of rose flavor to a minimum. But strong winds stripped all the rose petals from my friend’s rose bushes. heh Maybe next year! However, my pottery instructor had some oregano that had gone to flower and I thought, why not!?
Oregano Flower Tea + Hibiscus Mead
- 1400ml flower tea (3.5oz oregano flowers & buds)
- 500ml water
- 1 lb honey
- 1/2 packet k1-v1116 yeast
- 1tsp fermaid o
- 3tbsp dried hibiscus (conditioning)
- 4oz honey (conditioning)
- 4oz honey (amending)
- 1/8tsp vanilla (amending)

prepared oregano flower tea: steeped tea for 20 minutes, strained into 2 quart mason jars, each with 800ml fluid, this will be the liquid base for the mead
Mixed tea 1400ml, water 500ml, 1lb honey, 1/4tsp fermaid o, & 1/2 packet kv yeast. Put under airlock in half-gallon fermenter
3tbsp hibiscus flowers
removed hibiscus
tasted it, added 4 oz of honey, stirred the lees up and honey, put back under airlock
oops restarted fermentation
tasted it, needs sweetening
racked, added 4oz honey & 1/8tsp vanilla, aging
significantly better, I can taste something other than oregano and alcohol now, set back to aging.
so very much better, something I actually like the taste of now.
Off to the vet!
Silver, Bailey & Tini are off to get fixed/vaxed. I only got hurt a little when Silver bit through the leather gloves. The other 2 let me scoop them up in a towel, Silver I had to corner & shove into the trap. The 3 babies are too small for fixing, so we’ll hold on to them until they’re big enough

Six Kitties A-Waiting

This gallery contains 4 photos.
My current crop of kitties are settling into their temporary confinement. None of them are particularly happy, especially Silver, but they won’t be in for long. A quick trip to the clinic for vaxing & fixing and they’ll be back … Continue reading