Today I was able to release Silver and Bailey back into the colony. The video clip shows Cookies (as yet unfixed, I’ll get her!) eating when I huff & puff up to the feeding station and startle her away. Then Silver and Bailey race past the camera. It was a challenge getting Silver into the cat carrier, but Bailey was pretty easy. I’m sure their family will be glad to see them again. Tini and the three kittens remain inside for the time being. The kittens are too small still for fixing and Tini being a girl needs longer recovery time. Plus I don’t want her kittens to be stressed by the separation.
Tag Archives: feral cats
Off to the vet!
Silver, Bailey & Tini are off to get fixed/vaxed. I only got hurt a little when Silver bit through the leather gloves. The other 2 let me scoop them up in a towel, Silver I had to corner & shove into the trap. The 3 babies are too small for fixing, so we’ll hold on to them until they’re big enough

Six Kitties A-Waiting

This gallery contains 4 photos.
My current crop of kitties are settling into their temporary confinement. None of them are particularly happy, especially Silver, but they won’t be in for long. A quick trip to the clinic for vaxing & fixing and they’ll be back … Continue reading
Full House!
Catching Kitties
I’m finally able to start trapping kitties again, and I’ve managed to get three in this weekend!