Bonus Kitten

Another feral is safely inside. The other day a little all black kitten showed up, sans any obvious mama, but Tini seemed to be caring for it. Then I got Tini in & not the kitten, which felt crappy. Happily, tonight I got the kitten. Not in a trap, I cornered her & just picked her up.

Full House!

Tini is already trapped, Silver comes along and enters one of the open traps, Cookie eats on oblivious
three adult cats in the back corner of a closet on a cat bed, a smaller kitten in the foreground just outside the closet
Fluffy in the foreground, Bailey, Silver and Tini visible. Sealy is behind Tini

Silver was actually mrowling at me in this photo. But soon they’ll be fixed and vaxed and back in the colony!