Pomegranate Mead

1.5 cups fresh squeezed pomegranate juice
1 liter pomegranate syrup / equivalent 1.74lbs sugar
.2oz fresh rosemary
1lb 10.2oz honey
water to 1 gallon (approx 2qt, 1cup)
1pkg yeast
1.5tsp fermaid o (start, 48, 72)
So. I will never complain about the price of pomegranate products again. Holy goddess. 5 pomegranates (from a friend’s yard) turned out to be about 1.5 cups of juice. Apparently pomegranates come in white fruit too. Tasted good. Then I added the pomegranate syrup, got it from the International Market the other week. It tastes like jolly ranchers, but I like that so it’s all good. Added in the honey, which was just what I had left over from two 5lbs containers. Let the yeast and the fermaid o start doing their thing in a cup of water while I prepped it all. Shook the heck out of the must to make sure it was aerated enough. Checked the starting gravity: 1.092 spg. Added the little bit of rosemary and put it all under air lock.
Everything was so sticky. But I’m excited to see how it comes out. 😀