Persephone’s Descent

Pomegranate Mead

a pyrex measuring pitcher full of juice, a metal bowl with a mesh bag full of white seeds, and a black bowl full of picked apart pomegranate husks

1.5 cups fresh squeezed pomegranate juice
1 liter pomegranate syrup / equivalent 1.74lbs sugar
.2oz fresh rosemary
1lb 10.2oz honey
water to 1 gallon (approx 2qt, 1cup)
1pkg yeast
1.5tsp fermaid o (start, 48, 72)

So. I will never complain about the price of pomegranate products again. Holy goddess. 5 pomegranates (from a friend’s yard) turned out to be about 1.5 cups of juice. Apparently pomegranates come in white fruit too. Tasted good. Then I added the pomegranate syrup, got it from the International Market the other week. It tastes like jolly ranchers, but I like that so it’s all good. Added in the honey, which was just what I had left over from two 5lbs containers. Let the yeast and the fermaid o start doing their thing in a cup of water while I prepped it all. Shook the heck out of the must to make sure it was aerated enough. Checked the starting gravity: 1.092 spg. Added the little bit of rosemary and put it all under air lock.

Everything was so sticky. But I’m excited to see how it comes out. 😀

Rosemary Blueberry Mead

We have a pair of rosemary bushes on one side of our house, and so early in my mead making journey I decided to see what would happen if I fermented on fresh rosemary. To my great delight it turned out to be my most favorite creation.

Because this was just an experiment, I only made half a gallon of it. Much to my later dismay. Here’s the basic timeline and ingredients I used.

2ish quarts water
24 grams rosemary leaves/flowers
1.5 pounds honey
1 packet k1-v1116 yeast
in two 32oz mason jars

racked mead off the rosemary, put back in jars and put back under airlock. the smell is not bad, but it’s interesting.

2024-04-21 (afternoon)
poured rosemary into half-gallon pickle jar with blueberries, sugar and water:

Macerated Blueberries 

386g frozen blueberries
128 grams turbanado sugar 
wide mouth 32oz mason jar

8pm - mixed it up, popped it in the fridge 

2024-04-21 (early afternoon)
moved to half gallon jar, added 3/4th cup of water to get the sugar and stuff out of the mason jar. covered jar with strainer bag, will let it come up to room temp and then add in rosemary mead.

placed pickle jar with airlock onto fermentation shelf

racked off blueberries, washed container, put mead back under airlock for aging

deep red liquid in a glass jar being held up to the light

Bottling Day

several glass bottles, mostly amber colored but a few clear and one cobalt blue, of mead with labels sitting on a light green tray

Spent my day bottling up all of my previously brewed mead. The two big bottles (half gallon) in the back of Strawberry Moon mead are going to a pottery friend, one of the little 8oz Ginger Mead is going to another pottery friend.

Most of the rest of them are going to friends & family, but they’re not all spoken for yet. And the tall (1 liter) clear bottle and shorter cobalt blue bottle are being stored. So I’ve got more oregano flower-hibiscus flower & breakfast potion (oat ‘milk’, cinnamon, maple syrup, barley malt, dates, honey) for laters. 😀

Alpine Berry Mead

Rosemary + Blueberry Mead Take 2!

3oz fresh rosemary leaves + some stems
4lbs honey
1pkg k1-v1116 yeast
water to 1 gallon
1.5tsp fermaid o (start, 24, 48)
41oz frozen blueberries (secondary)
14oz turbinado sugar (secondary to macerate blueberries)

Harvested rosemary, washed and prepped it (removed woody stems), placed in plastic bag in fridge. Filtered 1 gallon of water. Marked the 1 gallon, 1.5 gallon & 2 gallon spots on the 2-gallon fermenter bucket.

Mixed honey 4lbs, water 0.6875gal, yeast & fermaid o 1/2tsp together, spg 1.140, added rosemary 3oz, stirred some more, put under air lock

I made my first rosemary+blueberry mead back in March. It was just an experiment, so I only made a half-gallon batch and I added the blueberries in on a whim. It turned out to be my favorite of all the ones I’ve tried making. So now that I’ve got my 2 gallon fermenter available again, I decided to give it another go. Fingers crossed that it comes out as good or better now that I’m doing it on purpose.

This batch should take about a month to ferment, though I will have a better idea now that I have a hydrometer. After it finishes fermenting I will rack it off the rosemary and add in the macerated blueberries for a week or two. I will be able to take specific gravity readings this time, so I’ll have a clearer idea of what the final ABV% is.